Automated Driving Safety Training

Waiting to develop an Automated Driving safety architecture for self-driving cars until all the standards have stabilized can be a costly mistake. How many miles of testing is safe enough? How do we apply SOTIF? What do we do for AV Levels 3, 4, and 5? All of these questions and more are answered in this 3-hour Automated Driving Safety Training. We cover current safety engineering principles as they relate to the technical challenges of autonomous vehicles and artificial intelligence. We present our understanding of what a “malfunction” is, and offer an ethical framework which untangles the classic “Trolley Problem” dilemma. This training is intended for technical and non-technical professionals, such as ethicists, law makers, elected officials, and corporate councils, as well as technical managers, systems engineers, software developers, hardware developers, and testing engineers. This 3-hour training can be coupled with a 3-hour Workshop or a 3-hour STPA Training for a full-day event.


Book your Automated Driving Safety Training